Monday, June 17, 2013

you where not there

you where not there
carrying her for 9 months
pushing her into this world
being so happy
when the doctor said
congratulations it's a girl

you where not there
teaching her how to talk
being so glad when she learned to walk

you where not there
kissing away her fears
wiping away her tears

you where not there
when she graduated from pre k
learned her abc's and 123's
or conquered the monkey bars in a day

you where not there
answering questions
to all that she had heard

you where not there
holding her hand
making sure she was not scared

you where not there
for all the trials and trepidation's
through all the let downs and congratulations

you where not there
yet you plan to take away all this
shattering her world
the only one she's ever known

how dare you
sit up there
on your mighty thrown
going to bed and sleeping through the night
knowing you took a girl
from her very home
committing the ultimate sin
legalized kidnapping
be prepared for the biggest fight

p.s. took 2 years but she did come home when she was 9, she is now a 20 year old beautiful girl.

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