Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sweet Sex

Sweet Sex

sweet sex is the name of the game
no ties, two legs, a pair of balls
their all the same

heat sweats
bodily desire
you push up
higher and higher

sweet sex is the name of the game
no ties, two legs, a pair of balls
their all the same

pull it out
a scream a shout
i want more, more, more
push it in
no time for love
it's the ultimate sin

sweet sex is the name of the game
no ties, two legs, a pair of balls
their all the same

licking, and sucking
kissing and fucking
rolling on the flour
done once more

sweet sex is the name of the game
no ties, two legs, a pair of balls
their all the same


  1. I like it, but why are they rolling on the flour? are they in the kitchen? I can see them rolling on the kitchen floor getting hot while trying to bake a cake!!!

    1. lol that was a typo was suppose to be floor too funny thanks for pointing it out, it would explain all the licking if it was flavored flour.
